Tuesday, March 9, 2010

What goes around, comes around...

I must say I'll go a little off-track with this entry, however I feel a lot like writing about this.. Of the many and amazing programs the school offers to its students, I believe Leaderhip is a great combination of them all. I was encourage to join the group and after a series of steps I was accepted; WOW did I feel proud! I've sure enjoyed the activities we've had, including field trips, social service activities, and even first aid courses.

However, I would like write a little about the last of our social service activities. The past Saturday, a series of games and tasks were organized for us members to perform along with the students from Hogar Nueva Granada. At the beginning it was, I must accept, not my favorite idea for spending my weekend. It required me to wake up earlier than usual to be at school at 8 am and stay there until noon. Nevertheless, I was somewhat excited by the whole idea.

It was even harder to wake up that day, and the only thing I could think about as I opened my eyes was: why in the world did I get myself into this? But as soon as I met my fellow classmates and got to know a little more about how we would spend the day, I didn't regret any of it. This feeling became even stronger as the children began to arrive. We got to introduce ourselves, get to know each other, and spend valuable time together. Time went by so incredibly fast I was amazed the whole 4 hours were complete, and the feeling left behind from this experience was completely indescribable... H

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